Market Technical View is a blog that mostly concerns the technical analysis of different financial instruments like indices, commodities, stocks, ETFs and currencies.

All the posts are structured in 3 main chapters that can be found in Content, in the upper right-hand corner of the blog.

Market perspective. The technical approach consists of chart patterns and important support/resistance zones. The purpose of this section is to give directions of the price on short and medium term (a few days up to a few months).

Trading setups. The analysis posted here will provide trading scenarios based on different technical tools.

Romanian Market. This is a section dedicated to Romanian stocks and indices.

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Analiza tehnica BET-FI 2011.12.15

Indicele SIF-urilor se mentine in zona corectiva, raportata la cresterea lunilor octombrie si noiembrie iar suportul zilnic este dat de zona 17.680 - 17.840.

Momentan, SIF-urile sunt blocate pentru tranzactionare datorita sanselor mari de a se vota pragul de detinere in sedinta de azi a camerei deputatilor. Aceasta stire vine ca si confirmare a scenariului dat inca de la inceputul lunii noiembrie ( ) in care se anticipa o miscare formata din 3 valuri.

Zona de rezistenta actuala este 18.630 - 19.036 insa exista sanse foarte mari ca aceasta sa fie depasita in momentul redeschiderii tranzactionarii pentru SIF-uri. Tinta clasica pe crestere este data de nivelul superior al zonei tinta, la nivelul 22.820.

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